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Farucchio Peru

Associate Show

By Leebo Luby

A riotously surreal concoction of clown, kitsch and nonsense from Leebo Luby (London SketchFest 2015 finalist). Farucchio Peru is a one-man army of all-round entertainment extravaganza or... a screwball idiot with ridiculous delusions of international stardom. Or both. This is his show. You be the judge.   

Devised with and directed by Aitor Basauri; co-produced with Brighton Fringe 2017 award winners 'Teatro Pomodoro' (Cabaret From The Shadows, **** BroadwayBaby).  

Leebo Luby is a member of Teatro Pomodoro and a Gaulier Graduate. "Teatro Pomodoro are anarchic theatre at its best" (Fringe Review)

The Team

Performed by

Leebo Luby (UK)

Director - Aitor Basauri

Music and Sound  Design - Barry Han

Costume & Set Design -

Carmen Arquelladas

Puppet Consultant - Austin Hewitt

Stage Manager - Aline Costa


Photo by Diego Piedrabuena
Farucchio at Physical Fest
Farucchio at Physical Fest
Photo by Diegopiedrabuena
Photo by Diegopiedrabuena
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  - Noun: Italian word for "Tomato"

  - Adjective

  1. denoting a sauce made from tomatoes, typically served with  live performance.

  2. "a low-calorie pomodoro sauce is the way to go if you're planning on enjoying some Theatre"

Teatro Pomodoro

L3 7ED


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